resources for supporting Palestine

Welcome, friends. Following our Creative Voices for Palestine virtual event in January 2024 to raise our collective voices in creative protest against genocide, military occupation, and displacement, we wanted to create an ongoing compilation of resources to support Palestine. Our aim is for this blogpost to become a living document we'll continue adding to as we discover new resources (feel free to send more our way), so please feel free to bookmark this post for future reference. Below, you'll find resources for learning, supporting, celebrating, and amplifying Palestinian voices.
Kimberly Kuniko, Nicki, and Keila

last updated: March 2, 2024
contributors: Kimberly Kuniko, Nicki Newell, Keila Sachi Gaballo
Palestinian stories and news go untold, unreported, or minimized in most primary news outlets. Stay informed + learn from Palestinians:
Aljazeera| A 24-hour English-language news channel with headquarters in Qatar and excellent source of journalism covering the Middle East. IG: @aljazeeraenglish | FB: /aljazeera| X: @ajenglish | YouTube: /aljazeeraenglish
Bisan | Palestinian journalist based in Gaza. Filmmaker, traveler, and dreamer. IG: @wizard_bisan1
Hind Khoudary | Palestinian journalist based in Gaza. IG: @hindkhoudary | X: @hind_gaza
Motaz Azaiza | Palestinian photographer/photojournalist based in Gaza. IG: @motaz_azaiza | FB: /motazazayza
Plestia Alaqad | Palestinian journalist based in Gaza. IG: @byplestia | TikTok: @byplestia
Wael Al Dahdouh | Palestinan journalist based in Gaza. IG: @wael_eldahdouh | X: @waeldahdouh
Curriculumm Toolkit for Palestine | Rooted in a love for the world and its people and created by educators, this toolkit is a critical media literacy curriculum with links to additional resources that can be used by teachers, families, and community organizations to foster critical, humanizing, and liberatory conversations about what is happening in our world today.
The Institute for Palestine Studies | Information and analysis on Palestine. We publish the Journal of Palestine Studies (Ar & En) and Jerusalem Quarterly. Explore journals, books, events, blogs, digital projects, and library. IG: @palestinestudies | FB: /palstudies | X: @palstudies | YouTube: /palestinestudiestv | TikTok: @palestinestudies | LinkedIn: /institute-for-palestine-studies
The Palestine Academy | A free crash course on Palestine history and decolonization with a goal of focusing on a collective social media activation to spread Palestine awareness.
UNRWA USA National Committee| The UNRWA USA is a nonprofit caring for Palestinian refugees. Donate to UNRWA USA | Take Action Now | IG: @unrwausa | FB: /unrwausa | YouTube: /unrwausa | X: @unrwausa | TikTok: @unrwa.usa | LinkedIn: /unrwa-usa
Jewish Voice for Peace | JVP is the largest progressive Jewish anti-Zionist organization in the world organizing a grassroots, multiracial, cross-class, intergenerational movement of U.S. Jews in solidarity with Palestinian freedom. IG: @jewishvoiceforpeace | X: @jvplive
Queers in Palestine | A liberatory demand from queers in Palestine. IG: @queersinpalestine | LinkTree: /queersinpalestine
Al-Shabaka: The Palestine Policy Network | The global Palestinian think tank, a resource for policymakers & civil society worldwide. Independent, non-partisan, and non-profit, a think tank without borders or walls. Policy analysis. Palestinian viewpoints. Types: Policy analysis, Policy insights, Civil society. IG: @al.shabaka | X: @alshabaka
The Palestinian American Community Center | PACC is a registered 501c3 nonprofit and tax-exempt organization. PACC is strictly a non-political and non-religious organization whose mission is to sustain and strengthen ties to Palestinian heritage while empowering the success and well-being of the entire community. IG: @paccusa | FB: /palestinianamericancommunitycenter | X: @paccusa
United Palestinian Appeal | Non-profit empowering Palestinians to improve their lives and communities through socially responsible and sustainable programs in health, education, and community & economic development. IG: @upaconnect
Visualizing Palestine | Visualizing Palestine (VP) was established in 2012, and is dedicated to using data and research to visually communicate Palestinian experiences to provoke narrative change. VP envisions a liberated future for Palestinians in a world free from oppression.
Ceasefire Today | UK, Canada, and international actions to take.
Protesting from Bed: Practical Tips for Disabled Protesters by Resting Up Collective
Birds of Gaza | Community art project for children to craft a handmade bird for each child killed in Gaza.
BOOKS FOR PALESTINE | A fundraising & awareness campaign for Palestine, book lists compiled on Linktree | Bookshop Webpage | IG: @books_palestine
DECOLONIZE PALESTINE READING LIST | A thoughtfully compiled list to expand our knowledge on all things Palestine.
FREE EBOOKS FOR A FREE PALESTINE | Published by Haymarket Books, download 3 free e-books that recognize settler-colonialism and apartheid.
Palestine Books for Kids | Book list compiled by Little Hibba
Children's & Young Adult | Book list compiled by Books for Palestine
The Palestine Double Standard (previously: Why Must Palestinians Audition for Your Empathy?) by Hala N. Alyan | The New York Times
A Palestinian Meditation in a Time of Annihilation by Fady Joudah | Literary Hub
To Be Palestinian is to Constantly Have Basic Facts of Your Existence Denied by Saeed Teebi | The Globe and Mail
Denying Motherhood in Gaza by Lama Ghosheh | Institute for Palestine Studies
I Grant You Refuge by Hiba Abu Nada (translation: Huda Fakhreddine) | Protean
Unprovoked Narratives | A series of films celebrating the beauty of Gaza, its people, its struggle and its survival. The program aims to resist the demonisation of this beautiful place.
20 Arab Films Spotlighting Palestinian Stories & Struggles | Scene Now
Toronto Palestine Film Festival | Community Resources + Ongoing Nakba Actions

Ahed Tamimi | Palestinian activist and co-author of They Called Me a Lioness.
Asma Al-Atawna | Palestinian born in Gaza and author of A Long Walk from Gaza.
Fady Joudah | Palestinian American physician, poet, and author of [...], The Earth in the Attic; Alight; Textu, Footnotes in the Order of Disappearance; and Tethered to Stars. He's translated several other collections of poetry from Arabic and is co-editor and co-founder of the Etel Adnan Poetry Prize. Winner of the Yale Series of Younger Poets competition in 2007 and recipient of a PEN award, a Banipal/Times Literary Supplement prize from the UK, the Griffin Poetry Prize, a Guggenheim Fellowship, and the Arab American Book Award. He lives in Houston, with his wife and kids, where he practices internal medicine. Books by Fady Joudah | Fady Joudah • Poetry Foundation
Hala Alyan | Clinical psychologist, professor, and author of Salt Houses, The Arsonists' City, and The Moon That Turns You Back: Poems. IG: @hala.n.alyan
Haneen Oriqat | Writer and organizer for Books for Palestine. IG: @haneenoriqat | LinkTree: /haneenoriqat
Noor Hindi | Palestinian-American poet whosse debut collection of poems, Dear God. Dear Bones. Dear Yellow (Haymarket Books 2022), was an honorable mention for the Arab American Book Award. She is currently editing a Palestinian poetry anthology with George Abraham (Haymarket Books, 2025), and was a 2021 Ruth Lilly and Dorothy Sargent Rosenberg Fellow. IG: @noorkhindi
Mahmoud Darwish (1942-2008) | Palestinian poet and author of Almond Blossoms and Beyond.| Poetry Foundation page
Mosab Abu Toha | Finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award for Poetry, winner of Palestine Book Award, American Book Award, Walcott Poetry Prize. IG: @mosab_abutoha| X: @mosababutoha
N.S. Nuseibeh | British-Palestinian writer and researcher, born and raised in East Jerusalem. Her interests include issues around identity, ethics, inequality, and education. Author of Namesake. IG: @katiba_ns
Nadia Shammas | Writer, gave developer, and author of Squire and Where Black Stars Rise. IG: @nadiashammas
Naomi Shihab Nye | Mixed-race Palestinian American writer and poet.| Naomi Shihab Nye • Poetry Foundation | IG: @naomishihabnye
Sahar Mustafah | Daughter of Palestinians, exploring the complex inheritance in stories. Author of The Beauty of Your Face (winner of NYT Notable Book) and Code of the West. IG: @saharmustafahwriter| LinkTree: /saharmustafah
Brina | Palestinian Australian embroidery artist and art therapist. | IG: @coloursbybrina
Dalia Elcharbini| Toronto-based Palestinian artist inspired by nature and Palestinian culture. Artworks immerse audiences in unique and captivating worlds. | IG: @daliaeart | LinkTree: @daliaeart
Chris Gazaleh| Visual artist striving to promote awareness of the Palestinian struggle utilizing a variety of mediums including illustration and murals. | IG: @c.gazaleh | LinkTree: @daliaeart
Jordan Nassar | Palestinian embroidery artist | IG: @jordannassar + @hilmicrafts| Co-owner of Hilmi Crafts
Malek Qreeqe + Ibrahim Ghunaim| Palestinian AI artists. IG: @malik_qraiqea + @mcgazaofficial
Mama Ganuush | Drag Artist, model, actor. Liberated, disowned, activist: trans, disabled,African, Palestinian, survivor. Founder of HALA, Beit Ganuush, Salon Nabila. | IG: @mamaganuush | Propps: @mamaganuush
Mohamed Dalo | Palestinian illustrator living with Muscular Dystrophy | IG: @mohameddalo | LinkTree: @mohamed_dalo | The New Arab article
Mohammad Sabaaneh | Cartoon artist | IG: @mohameddalo | LinkTree: @mohamed_dalo | The New Arab article
Narmeen Hamadeh | Illustrator who explores illustration through vibrant colors, activism, and her Palestinian heritage.| IG: @narmeenh.illustrations | LinkTree: @narmeenillustrations
Noor Ziada | Palestinian illustrator and indigenous researcher | IG: @nour_archive | LinkTree: @nour_archive
Rami Kashou | Palestinian fashion designer born in Jerusalem. Project Runway S4 + All-Stars in 2012. | IG: @ramikashou
Samar Hussaini| Palestinian American contemporary and abstract artist working with mixed media and contemporizing Tatreez, a traditional form of Palestinia cross-stitch embroidery.| Samar's Website | IG: @samardesignsandart
Shirien Damra| Illustrator who explores art through a lens of social justice and inclusivity.| IG: @shirien.creates
Sliman Mansour | One of the most renowned Palestinian artists who's style embodies steadfastness in the face of relentless military occupation and his work has come to symbolize the Palestinian national identity. | IG: @sliman.mansour
Yazan Abo-salamah | Palestinian artist | IG: @yazanabosalamah
Palestinian-Owned Companies List by Books for Palestine |A quick list of Palestinian-owned companies and businesses to support.
Hilmi Crafts | Hand-crafted Palestinian embroidery company founded by Jordan Nassar + Qussay Abuaker
Hirbawi | Home of the original kufiya scarf, based in the West Bank.
Rami Kashou Collection | Palestinian fashion designer born in Jerusalem. Was a competitor in Project Runway seasons 4 + All Stars r Palestine on
Nemahsis | Update: Nemahsis' label dropped her after she refused to "cool-down" her posts speaking out for Palestine.
Rethinking Palestine | Rethinking Palestine is a podcast from Al-Shabaka: The Palestinian Policy Network, a transnational think tank that aims to foster public debate on Palestinian human rights and self-determination. We draw upon the vast knowledge and experience of the Palestinian people, whether in Palestine or in exile, to put forward strong and diverse Palestinian policy voices. In this podcast, we will be bringing these voices to you so that you can listen to Palestinians sharing their analysis wherever you are in the world. Listen on Apple Podcasts | Listen to Spotify
Voices of Resilience: Gaza and the Palestinians of '48 | In Al Midan Podcast episode 106, hosts were joined by Diana Buttu, a Palestinian-Canadian lawyer and activist, for an in-depth discussion conducted in English, shedding light on the profound challenges faced by Palestinian citizens of Israel amidst the conflict in Gaza.
Falastin Magazine | A publication produced by The Palestinian American Community Center. “Our mission is to give Palestinians a voice and a platform in order to express themselves creatively. We hope to expand our community through the use of art, and to build bridges between Palestinians and other communities. With this magazine, we hope to be able to reclaim the Palestinian narrative and share our stories.” – Editor-in-Chief, Basma Bsharat

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