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my year to...

2018 will be my year to make haste slowly (festina lente).

Some time ago, I stumbled upon the phrase through a wonder named Madlyn. The moment I saw the words, a stirring began, and with a quick intake of breath and a smile, I committed it to memory and commissioned her to make me this gently steady reminder.

My tendency is to be extremely driven and goal-oriented when it comes to my art business. While some argue it's simply my personality, I must insist that it comes alive most when I'm making art and growing something meaningful to me.

I've a lengthy list of illustrations I want to draw, words I want to write, and places I want to go with Lacelit. I want to move towards them with fervor and focus. In this way, the "make haste" portion comes naturally to me. I want to move forward, make progress, see it through.

It is the "slowly" portion that is my resolution and reminder that I can only do so much with the time that is available in this season. It reminds me that even though I've never worked harder or wanted to do something more, organic growth is best-always-best.

And while I remain excited and eager and expectant, this is my year to make haste slowly.


01/52 :: 2018 Will Be My Year To...

#ArtStew52 :: a 52-week creative challenge orchestrated by artist Rhea Amyett

to spur on creativity in the Instagram community. Artists of all mediums--both visual

and written--commit to exploring a new prompt each week. See my contributions.

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Welcome to the personal blog of of Kimberly Kuniko, a Nikkei American illustrator, collage artist, poet, and host of cozy, virtual guided creative retreats with a new theme each month.

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© Kimberly Kuniko | Please do not copy, alter, share, or publish my art without permission. If you’d like to use my work, please contact me.

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